Former Ohio State and NFL player, and national motivational speaker, Roy Hall Jr. passionately navigates people to stay motivated, keep a positive perspective, and walk in purpose. Five years as a professional football player Roy acquired a supreme understanding of what it takes to not only inspire people to perform in high stress situations, but also what tools and strategies to provide them with to help neutralize challenges in their personal lives and in the workplace that influence disengagement and low motivation. If you’re a person that needs an occasional boost in motivation, a spark to get you through a challenging time, or a powerful reminder that you are here for a reason and a purpose, the Roy Hall Jr. Podcast will provide you with that and more. Roy Hall Jr. also discusses topics pertaining to: •Low Motivation •Staying Engaged •Adapting to Change •Teamwork •Communication •Living a Purpose-Driven Life ***Visit royhalljr.com to find out how Roy Hall Jr. can speak at your next event or provide your team with a private professional development training.*** royhalljr.com

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
How to Stop Self-Doubt and Fear
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
How to Stop Self-Doubt and Fear Before It Stops You - Roy Hall Jr. Podcast
A poll was recently conducted with 2,000 Americans to determine what people fear most in 2021. I won't give you the entire list, but I will show you the top 3. Any guesses as to what they were?
Americans' Top 3 Fears 2021:
#3 – Mass Shootings
#2 – Loved Ones Becoming Seriously Ill
#1 – Loved Ones Dying
Before I go any further, I want to express my sincerest condolences and very intentional prayers to the families and victims of the Oxford High School (Oxford, MI) mass shooting that occurred on November 30, 2021. Four students lost their lives: Madisyn Baldwin, 17; Tate Myre, 16; Hana St. Juliana, 14; and Justin Shilling, 17.
This puts #3 in a different perspective. Every day that you are alive is truly a gift.
NUMBER ONE on the list was the fear of Loved Ones Dying.
On October 12, 2021 one of my Ohio State Football Buckeye Brothers, Devan Bogard, tragically lost his life in an apartment fire. He was just 27 years old. The last time I had talked to Devan was on October 12, 2020!
I didn't have the fear of him passing. The thought never crossed my mind. My friend passed away exactly 365 days after we spoke about the AMAZING THINGS THAT HE WANTED TO DO WITH HIS LIFE.
On Episode 12 of the Roy Hall Jr. Podcast, I break down the difference between being afraid and living in fear. Believe it or not, fear can be your friend if you use it correctly. Being afraid will keep you average, but FEAR will make you fight. You'll get a full understanding of how to stop self-doubt and fear before it stops you.
Rest in Heaven Bogeez...
Take a listen on your way to work, on your lunch break, or while you're on your way home this evening. Let me know what stood out most to you.
Click Here to take my FREE COURSE: Make It Count – How to Stay Motivated Each Day and Keep a Positive Perspective.
Click Here for more information on how I can speak at your next event or provide your team with a private professional development training.

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Name. Image. Likeness.
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Name, Image, and Likeness
FEAR is using your name, image and likeness!
DOUBT is using your name, image, and likeness!
Take a listen on your way to work, on your lunch break, or while you're on your way home this evening. Let me know what stood out most to you.
Click Here to take my FREE COURSE: Make It Count – How to Stay Motivated Each Day and Keep a Positive Perspective.
Click Here for more information on how I can speak at your next event or provide your team with a private professional development training.

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Stay Focused
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Click Here to take my FREE COURSE: Make It Count – How to Stay Motivated Each Day and Keep a Positive Perspective.
Click Here for more information on how I can speak at your next event or provide your team with a private professional development training.

Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Patience is a Process
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Patience is a Process
As straightforward as I can say this: you won't always get what you want when you want it. You have to be patient!
Patience is having incredible determination with the keen understanding that you aren’t in control of outside factors, while simultaneously having exceptional discipline to stay in control of your emotions.
Patience involves two extremely important factors:
- UNDERSTANDING that you ARE NOT in control of outside factors
- Having DISCIPLINE to stay in control of your emotions
People are willing to put in the work; to grind and to work hard to get what they want. This just in...putting in the work, includes learning how to wait!
Patience is a virtue, but patience is also a voice. Low and calming. Unfortunately, it's often drowned out by the loud, aggressive voice that wants to be in control.
Where do you struggle being patient? Do you start each day frustrated because of traffic? Are you tired of waiting to be recognized for your effort or for a promotion? Is your team not executing your plan and it's costing the company? Are you frustrated that your business isn't taking off the way that you projected? Are you tired of dealing with a family member and their problems? Is getting back in shape taking longer than anticipated?
Patience is a process. On this episode of the Roy Hall Jr. Podcast, I'll help you become a more patient person. As a matter of fact I'm going to give you three tips on how to become a more patient person TODAY. Be patient. Listen to the entire show so that you get the information that you need to make you a more patient person. You owe it to yourself.
Click Here to take my FREE COURSE: Make It Count – How to Stay Motivated Each Day and Keep a Positive Perspective.
Click Here for more information on how I can speak at your next event or provide your team with a private professional development training.

Monday May 31, 2021
Deal with the Problem NOW
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Deal with the Problem NOW
How to Successfully Handle the Unexpected, Uncontrollable, and the Uncomfortable
The symbolic aphorism, "little things, make a big difference," is true for long term results, but it's all true for long term regret.
When you don't address and deal with the small problems now, they can twist and turn into large, lasting fires in your life.
Deal with it NOW. It’s either going to cost you time, difficult conversations, and adjustments now, or it will cost you much more later.
Ask yourself this question. If you continue to put it off until later, what will it cost you down the road?
Are you willing to lose it all over something small?
Are you willing to give up everything because you were unwilling to deal with something?
Are you willing to throw it all away, just to say that you won for a day?
Pride is crafty.
Pride isn’t aggressive, but it’s accurate.
Be cautious. Pride carefully massages your conceited thoughts with durable lies and immovable stubbornness that disables your ability to change your behavior.
In this podcast I will show you How to Successfully Handle the Unexpected, Uncontrollable, and the Uncomfortable. I'll also show you how the statement, "life is not about you" can suppress and eliminate pride and ego in your life forever.
Click Here to take my FREE COURSE: Make It Count – How to Stay Motivated Each Day and Keep a Positive Perspective.
Click Here for more information on I can speak at your next event or provide your team with a private professional development training.

Monday May 24, 2021
Leadership and Character
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Leadership and Character
How to Lead People to the Next Level and Genuinely Be Happy For Their Success
When you're in a leadership position, it's almost inevitable that you're going to make life changing decisions that won't always go over well with the people that you are leading. Being a leader doesn't always mean that you will be liked. Being a leader doesn't guarantee that people will agree with all of your decisions either.
The best leaders consistently do what's best for the team, even if their decision is unpopular. It's never easy sitting in the leadership chair.
Tim Tebow recently signed a one-year contract with the Jacksonville Jaguars. His new head coach, Urban Meyer, is also his old head coach.
The decision by Coach Meyer to bring in Tim Tebow sent the sports world into a negative frenzy of shortsighted comments and "click-bait" dialogue.
What’s the value of character? Having an elite leader of character on your team or in the building? Having someone that you trust in your office? Having someone that clings to and adheres to the same values and high standards as you do?
In order to shift a culture, you have to shovel in character!
On this episode of the Roy Hall Jr. Podcast, Leadership and Character, I discuss why having high character people in the room is necessary if you are attempting to change the room! In the process I'll also show you How to Lead People to the Next Level and Genuinely Be Happy For Their Success.
Click Here to take my FREE COURSE: Make It Count – How to Stay Motivated Each Day and Keep a Positive Perspective.
Click Here for more information on I can speak at your next event or provide your team with a private professional development training.

Monday May 17, 2021
Nothing Can Stop You
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Noting Can Stop You
Not too long ago I read an article about Andrew Arni. Andrew is a 19-year-old DoorDash driver from Central Ohio, that was born without the lower half of his legs and also without half of his left arm.
Yes, you read that correctly; no legs, one arm, and he's a DoorDash food delivery specialist!
“I was born this way and I have no complaints,” said Andrew. “I want people to know that whatever happens with your life or as a disabled kid there’s nothing that you can stop you.”
So let's start there!
There is nothing that can stop you.
You can search as long as you want, nothing can stop you.
Think about it...
– Not getting support from the people around you didn’t stop you.
– Being overworked in your profession didn’t stop you.
– Being overlooked and not getting that promotion didn’t stop you.
– Working with selfish people didn’t stop you.
– The PANDEMIC didn’t stop you. Slowed you down maybe, but it didn’t stop you.
Whatever happens in your life, nothing can stop you unless YOU STOP YOURSELF.
You are the only person that has the power to shut down and shut off the greatness that’s on the inside of you. Keep going!
In this episode of the Roy Hall Jr. Podcast we'll take a deeper look at Andrew's story and how we can use his perseverance and story as a tool to keep us motivated and with the right perspective.
Additionally, I talk about the day that I was drafted by the Indianapolis Colts and why it's important to know when to be patient and when to pursue the things that you want.
You won’t always get what you want when you want it. Putting in the work, includes learning how to wait.
Click Here to take my FREE COURSE: Make It Count – How to Stay Motivated Each Day and Keep a Positive Perspective.

Sunday May 02, 2021
Get Back Up Again...and Again...
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
Get Back Up Again...and Again
It's not easy being knocked down time after time, and have to get back up. It's not easy having to start over after you've invested so much time and energy into your business, relationship, or education, only to have to start over for a number of reasons (I'm sure you can name them). It's extremely difficult making hopeful financial decisions, only to watch them flake away during the pandemic. What about weight loss? Health goals? Studies show that smokers may try quitting an average of 30 times before they succeed.
The truth is, you have to fight to get back up. You have to find a way to get back up. You have to! The loss isn't what defines you. The mistake isn't what defines you, unless you allow it to keep you down. Getting back up IS what will stick. Beating the odds is what you will be remembered for.
That's why in this episode of the Roy Hall Jr. Podcast I made it a priority to show you how to build resilience so that you can hurry back to your feet.
Getting back up is NOT easy. If it was easy, everyone would do it. YOU CAN though. You can get back to your feet. You can get back what you lost. You can still live the life you desire and get the results that you've worked your entire life for.
I've been down before. Physically and mentally. Take this journey with me so that I can help you get to where you want to go. You CAN Get Back Up Again...and Again starting right NOW!
Click Here to take my FREE COURSE: Make It Count – How to Stay Motivated Each Day and Keep a Positive Perspective.

Monday Mar 29, 2021
Definition of a Hero
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Definition of a Hero
10 Remarkable People That Will Help You Keep Life In Perspective.
There were 10 victims who died after a gunman went on a shooting rampage in King Soopers grocery store in Boulder, Colorado.
The victims include three employees, and 7 others, including Eric Talley, a 51-year-old police officer who responded to the scene of the attack.
President Joe Biden praised Talley's courage in a speech at the White House.
"Officer Talley did not hesitate in his duty, making the ultimate sacrifice in his effort to save lives. That's the definition of an American hero."
In this podcast, I'll introduce you to:
10 Remarkable People That Will Help You Keep Life In Perspective.
Eric Talley, 51, Rikki Olds, 25, Kevin Mahoney, 61, Lynn Murray, 62, Denny Stong, 20, Teri Leiker, 51, Tralona Bartkowiak, 49, Jody Waters, 65, Neven Stanisic, 23, Suzanne Fountain, 59
Their ages combined are a combined 466 years! 466 years of memories created; 466 years of experience, 466 years of life gone in a split second. 466 years worth remembering, celebrating, and using to help keep life in perspective.
I'll also show you how to shift from going through the motions, to being in the moment. You are a free agent. Who you sign with can change your life for ever!

Saturday Mar 13, 2021
The Power of Perspective
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
The Power of Perspective | Ep. 3
Last week I found out that my friend, Ms. Dreaddi Larcher, a progressive educator and student mentor, passed away after a courageous fight with cancer. Ms. Dreaddi was the consummate professional. In her obituary, a co-worker wrote:
"Dreaddi was like the sunshine walking into the room with her smile and her presence. It was an honor to know and work with such an amazing woman."
The loss of life instantly puts things into perspective. There is significant power in perspective. Perspective is a top-3 characteristics that all successful people and professionals need to possess.
On average, your heart beats 108,000 times each day. Each subtle thump in your chest is an obvious reminder that you still have a chance to become a better person and professional. The faint rhythmic cadence that we often take for granted is an unmistakable indication that you still have an opportunity to use your life to make a difference in the world. Two people die each second, on average. Just the fact that you are reading this sentence is significant proof that you are here for a reason, and that reason isn't just to be the best at your professional position.
In this podcast I honor Ms. Dreaddi's life by sharing how to maintain and protect your perspective, and how passion is the catalyst for all success. Additionally, I discuss the Easy 4-Step Process to Change Any Area of Your Life in Just 30 Days.
Visit royhalljr.com for more information on how I can speak at your next event or provide your team with a private professional development training.